Tony Liu

Incoming Assistant Prof. @ Mount Holyoke College. CIS PhD @ UPenn, advised by Lyle Ungar and Konrad Kording. Scientist/PM @ Roblox.


Hello! My research sits at the intersection of causal inference and machine learning, with a focus on observational methods: how do we build an understanding of the world when we cannot run a randomized experiment?

I develop machine learning methods that improve traditional observational causal methodology in order to answer causal questions in complex data domains. Alongside my awesome collaborators, I use these methods across data science applications in public health, social communication, mental wellness, and medicine.

In the classroom, I emphasize process-based learning through completion-graded assignments and continual student feedback throughout the lifecycle of a course. I believe in understanding students’ individual starting points and engaging with them from there, being particularly mindful of those coming from diverse educational backgrounds outside of the sciences and engineering.

selected publications

  1. Measuring Causal Effects of Civil Communication Without Randomization
    Tony Liu, Lyle Ungar, Konrad Kording, and Morgan McGuire
    To appear in International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2024
  2. Automated Detection of Causal Inference Opportunities: Regression Discontinuity Subgroup Discovery
    Tony Liu, Patrick Lawlor, Lyle Ungar, Konrad Kording, and Rahul Ladhania
    To appear in Transactions of Machine Learning Research (TMLR), 2023
  3. Data-driven exclusion criteria for instrumental variable studies
    Tony Liu, Patrick Lawlor, Lyle Ungar, and Konrad Kording
    Conference on causal learning and reasoning (CLeaR), 2022
  4. The relationship between text message sentiment and self-reported depression
    Tony Liu, Jonah Meyerhoff, Johannes C Eichstaedt, Chris J Karr, Susan M Kaiser, Konrad P Kording, David C Mohr, and Lyle H Ungar
    Journal of affective disorders, 2022
  5. Quantifying causality in data science with quasi-experiments
    Tony Liu, Lyle Ungar, and Konrad Kording
    Nature computational science, 2021
  6. Machine learning for phone-based relationship estimation: the need to consider population heterogeneity
    Tony Liu, Jennifer Nicholas, Max M Theilig, Sharath C Guntuku, Konrad Kording, David C Mohr, and Lyle Ungar
    Proceedings of the ACM on interactive, mobile, wearable and ubiquitous technologies, 2019